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Pipe Spec CCTV Van
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Why are pre-inspections crucial to the productivity and success of your project? 


Pre-Inspections are typically completed soon after your drainage systems have been installed, and before your final council required inspection is due. Conducting a pre-inspection offers you not only the confidence that your pipelines are up to code and performing, but they also allow you a window to repair any faults or defects before final handover to your client. This can come in handy, particularly with pipelines installed in residential/commercial subdivisions where roading will likely be erected overhead. 


For drainlayers, it's important to have an accurate report and imagery of your work following installation, in the event that post-installation events cause disruption to your lines. Take a look at the images below as an example. 


The image on the left shows a 300mm concrete line inspected a week after installation. Our initial inspection showed no faults or defects. The image on the right shows the same line, surveyed again one month later to diagnose leaks. The second image clearly displays a large crack and substantial water infiltration. Because our client (drainlayers) was able to provide their initial pre-inspection reports they were able to avoid blame and loss profits for damage caused after installation, by heavy machinery on site. 



Pipe Spec utilizes state-of-the art equipment and our highly trained and experienced technicians to provide you with quality video imagery and detailed reporting to outline the condition and connectivity of your services. 


Our quick and easy booking process, CCTV and Flushing combination crew, and fast turn around can help you push your project across the line. Get in touch today for your free, no obligation quote. 



We offer flushing and cleaning services, as a stand alone service or combined with our CCTV Inspections. 

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